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Changemakers Summit 2020   (Webinar)
Changemakers Summit 2020   (Webinar)
Changemakers Summit will facilitate important dialogues as to how we can collectively co-design inclusive and enabling environments, and networks, that embrace a tech enabled social economy (#5IR), transforming humanitarian challenges into opportunities for a sustainable and impactful future
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Changemakers Lab


Our vision is to establish best practices on the island and position Lesvos as a Global Humanitarian Tech Hub, through a network of strategic international partners.

Our mission is to create an enabling environment where social entrepreneurs and key stakeholders can co-create social impactful tech solutions that contribute to solving humanitarian challenges, stimulating local economic development across Europe!

The CML project focuses on the social and humanitarian entrepreneurship sector and - among others - will include:

  • A co-working space in the center of Mytilene as a base of the Lab’s activities.

  • An incubator / accelerator for social and humanitarian solutions.

  • Educational programs, workshops, seminars

  • Events and conferences organizing 

During the last few years Changemakers Lab team members participated / supported / initiated several initiatives on Lesvos, including StartupBoat, Startup Weekend Lesvos, TEDxLesvos and ­ the Lesvos Island of Love festival.

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#EULesvos: Technology, Humanity Ethics (THE) Future of Europe

Dear Fellow Changemakers,

To commemorate Europe Day, on Saturday 9th of May 2020, Changemakers Lab will be hosting its 5th Annual Changemakers Summit!

On the 9th of May 2020, national leaders from all around Europe are expected to deliver a renewed commitment towards a more united, stronger and more democratic European Union. The EU and its citizens will have to come up with answers to the question: What does the EU stand for, what are our common values and how do we cope with the challenges our member states and citizens face?

Europe is at a crossroad and Lesvos is a microcosm of the impact and effects on European Society of the economic, refugee and now, covid crisis. Changemakers Summit will facilitate important dialogues and actions as to how we can collectively co-design inclusive and enabling environments, and networks, that embrace a tech enabled social economy (#5IR), transforming humanitarian challenges into opportunities for a sustainable and impactful future.

Join us and be part of a civil society movement that builds trust in our societies, solves important problems and inspires “THE #FutureOfEurope" that we all want!

Date: Saturday 9 May from 10:00 to 18:00
Where: Webinar streamed on Facebook Live. Changemakers Lab Facebook page

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Europe is at a crossroad.


The 4th industrial revolution has been accelerated by the Covid Crisis, with governments, corporates, schools, universities and almost every sector looking at ways in which they can embrace digital tools. This is generating both enormous economic potential but also significant disruption and fears about the future.


(Re)rising populism, nationalism and xenophobia, stagnant youth unemployment, economic uncertainty and millions of people fleeing their home countries,– one can easily get the feeling that Europe is falling apart. The EU and its citizens will have to come up with answers to the question: What does the EU stand for, what are our common values and how do we cope with the challenges our member states and citizens face?


Taking a closer look at the Greek Island of Lesvos demonstrates the local impact of these challenges. Greece itself has faced a severe economic crisis lately. At the same time it currently hosts about 20,000 asylum seekers, making up more than 35% of the local population in the capital city of Mytilini. The number of refugees kept in the so called “hot spots” is currently about eight times higher than the capacity these camps are designed for, increasing the risk of covid to thousands of people. Hundreds of displaced persons have been stuck on the island for months or even years. The current situation has a disastrous impact on the refugees, the local community, Greece, Europe and the world. Through intensive media coverage, Lesvos has become a symbol of a humanitarian crisis. 

On the 9th of May 2020 national leaders from all around Europe are expected to deliver a renewed commitment towards a more united, stronger and more democratic European Union. Our Summit aims to support this message, with representatives of government and non governmental organisations, Universities and research centres, social entrepreneurs and impact investors that will participate in our Summit.

The purpose of our initiative on Lesvos is to catalyse the paradigm of social entrepreneurship and innovation as a major source of wealth and job creation, economic and technological growth and social transformation, inspiring a positive way forward for Europe. The Europe that we all want!

This Summit will facilitate important dialogues and actions as to how we can collectively co-create an inclusive and enabling environment, through which we look to embrace technology and transform the humanitarian challenges into opportunities, inspiring and co-designing "THE #FutureOfEurope" that we all want!


In addition, with our European collaborators, we aim to show how an inclusive and collaborative network of coworking spaces and creative hubs across Europe, are platforms through which social entrepreneurs convene to invent, make, collaborate and cocreate sustainable and impactful solutions, that accelerate the sustainable developments goals and help stimulate the local economy!


Key issues will be: How can we inspire a positive way forward in Europe? How can we accelerate social impactful tech solutions within our member communities? How can young people participate in this (regardless of the legal status and socio-economic background), developing a sense of self-efficacy and European identity? How can transnational solidarity be deepened within the EU and beyond the European continent? What can local societies do in order to integrate refugees taking into account that they are coping with (economic e.g.) challenges themselves?  


Acceleration of social impactful technologies (e.g. edtech & mhealth) will not only help provide much needed access to these services, but also help inspire and create sustainable economic foundations on which to build a series of business-driven development programs.

Join us, and be part of the change!

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My name is Parwana Amiri , I am from Afghanistan , refugee in Greece.

I was in Moria refugee camp for almost four months , it was exactly 18/09/2019 that we entered to that camp , and beside my other activitis I was teacher in self organized school ( WHF) .
Deep belief of mine about impression of words in changing minds , pushed me to write about what I was experincing , and what I was listening from people around me in my perspesctive.

Olive tree and old woman , my pen will not break but borders will , are two published phenomenas of mine, that supported by W2eu and alarm phone .
Currently I am working on two more books , Wave of Hope and series of Letters from Refugees to the world and pieces of poems .

Writing is the only way I can feel my soul free , free to express , free to decide , free to think, free to choose.
I started writing from a young age , I was twelve years old that was writing about what could change world of girls and children in the same age of me .

As a vulnerable family we could be moved from Moria to Ritsona camp (70 kilometer north of Athens) four months ago, and here I have activitis in different ways , I want to show the abilitis of refugees , their power and potential , their skills and creativities.
I am directing the Corona awareness team in Ritsona , that is acting in spreading information during quarantine .

Insufficient lessons given by educational NGOs in the camp and deep value of time in my life was the reason I decided to start foundrising refugees own course.

I do not know what is the meaning of silence .I do not want to undertsand it
even ,because anyone can speak in behalf of the one who stayed silent.
But , I do not want to be like that . No one can describe our pains better than ourselve and we should never let others to hide what we are suffering everyday.

I broke my silent and became voice of many refugees , but it do not satisfy me until I will see many has inspired ands step in this way to have a wave changes.
Butterflies solidaity will break the chains of silnce and will win .






TedX speaker, Social Entrepreneur, Changemaker, Social agitator.

Georges Belinga is international business graduate and master in new media. Having lived in England, France, Germany and Spain has a passion on european relations and migration. Georges is above all a social entrepreneur who provides counseling to members of his organization.



Siniparski, Lesvos community organizer

Idependent Non-Profit Organization Management Professional Siniparski, Lesvos community



Head of Project Group for New Economy and Blockchain Technologies at Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, UNECE expert and Head of Delegation for Slovenia

Nena Dokuzov is an expert in management of EU funds, including financial instruments and other repayable forms of funds. She is currently the Head of Group for New Economy and Blockchain Technology at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology Slovenia. She coordinates the preparation and implementation of the Government Action plan for Blockchain Technology which was adopted by The Government of the Republic of Slovenia in May 2018. It foresees the identification of relevant areas, preparation for the implementation of the regulatory framework for blockchain technologies in Slovenia and Europe. She is a member of the EU Blockchain Partnership, which is organized under DG Connect (European Commission).



Support and Generosity

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Co-Founder, Director of Social Innovation at The Entrepreneurial Refugee Network

Frederic is a London-based Social Entrepreneur promoting refugee economic integration in Europe and East Africa. Frederic is a co-founder and co-director of TERN – The Entrepreneurial Refugee Network – an incubator programme for refugee entrepreneurs in the UK.



Generous Community Members

ROUDDY KIMPIOKA, is from DRC Kinshasa, He studied Computer Science at his University in Kinshasa. He's been in Greece since June 2017, seeking asylum. He supports various community initiatives and also Heads up the RAD Music project which he cofounded. This project supports refugees on Lesvos Island in Greece through various activities, and also aims to build bridges between refugees, locals and volunteers. Rouddy recognizes the systemic change required in changing the perception of refugees, and through this project, aims to showcase the positive contributions made by refugees in society.



IPA-Switxboard Founder

Kilian Kleinschmidt is an international networker, humanitarian and refugee expert with over 25 years of experience in a wide range of countries, emergencies and refugee camps as United Nations official, Aid worker and Diplomat. He has founded and is currently CEO of the startup Innovation and Planning Agency (IPA), which aims to connect marginalised parts of the globe with the technological resources and know-how needed to catalyse change.



Communication Officer at Greek Forum of Refugees

Christos Lazaridis is the Communication Officer at the Greek Forum of Refugees, an association of refugee and migrant communities based on Athens.



CEO / Founder Cultural Infusion

Peter Mousaferiadis has had an extensive career as a creative director, producer, artistic director, music director, composer and a champion of intercultural dialogue. In 2003, Peter founded Cultural Infusion, a global social enterprise that works with schools, youth, digital media and the arts to promote cultural harmony for a more cohesive and richer society. Cultural Infusion delivers programs in India, Brazil, South Africa, Egypt, Cambodia and throughout Australia.






He is a passionate educator who is skilled in working with children and young people from displaced backgrounds. He's also adept at cross-cultural mediation and translating / interpreting, speaking 5 languages- (Lingala (Native), French (Native), English (Advanced), Greek (Intermediate) & Spanish (Beginner). He has a passion for music, having taught himself guitar in the past 2 years, performing at various concerts and events with international musicians. He has a deep interest and passion for helping others, and aims to study and learn as much as possible to achieve this goal.



Emerging Digital Technology Management University Lecturer and Independent Analyst and Advisor

Emerging Digital Technology Management University Lecturer and Independent Analyst and Advisor



Internet of Things Strategist | Help companies grow and transform using IoT and Data | Professor & Consultant | IE MBA

Dimitrios Spiliopoulos is a passionate IoT busin ess Strategis He is Adjunct Professor in the top tier MBA of IE Business School where he offers his business focused Internet of Things course. He is a frequent speaker in IoT Conferences and writer for IoT publishers.






Below are the YouTube videos of our summit, broken into the respective panel discussions.

Please click on the link below for shorter videos of our Summit as per the agenda:

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Video Colloquium: „This is all fear driven“ with Vasili Sofiadellis :


2017 -2018 ARTICLES


Island of Love at the “Home of E;ytis":

“The Birds of Freedom” CERN :




Coworking spaces, social entrepreneurship and the future of Europe: From Davos to Lesvos :






[Greek] Changemakers Lab: Μία άλλη προσέγγιση στην προσφυγική κρίση

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